Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More News from eSikhawini . . . Current Needs

We heard from Gail again today!! She and the Mafus have been taking care of so many needs throughout the community over the past few weeks.

The rallies have been going well but they still need a few more funds to pay for Bibles to hand out to the kids. If you are compelled, feel free to make a donation through the ACM website to help out with this need.

Zamusa has been under a lot of stress recently and hasn't been feeling well. Would you please pray that her health is fully restored? AND that she would be lifted from underneath the pressures that weigh down upon her?

Would you pray for those who are sick and in need? . . . for Rose who is being ministered to through ACM. She has just finally started receiving medication and we are hopeful that this will make a difference for her. . . . for a gentleman named Dodo who suffered from a stroke many years ago and is unable to walk. Mercy was able to give him a wheelchair that was donated through ACM. We hope that it will help him considerably. His most urgent prayers are for a stable housing situation.

There are many more needs that Gail has made us aware of but we will start with this right now and will continue to update you with more. Of Course, we have so many reasons to Thank God and Give Him praise. In addition to the rallies going well, there was a man who rededicated his life to Christ and has returned to the church. And for this too - Gail was able to spend last evening with 4 young ladies and celebrate that they turned 21 this year. These girls have been "trained up" through ACM and it was a joy to celebrate their lives.

Stay tuned for more news from eSikhawini . . . the rallies, the April Medical Outreach Team, the new missionary dorm, the needs, the people . . .

Monday, October 13, 2008

News from the Frontlines of eSikhawini

We received news today from Gail - some uplifting and some tragic. She is currently in eSikhawini with the Mafu Family.

We had our first rally of 2008 on Saturday and 200 children attended. It was great fun!

We also had a sad funeral on the same day as the rally. Thulani, a police man and member of the church, had his second child die within 2 months. The small boy was going to turn 1 this week. As tradition goes here it is customary to visit the family every night and to help with the cooking. We also cooked for the 200 children at the rally. This adds great stress to the weekly events that also have to be taken care of. We have had three more deaths that we have heard about this week. Mercy and I will travel 1 hour to visit the families of her cousin that passed away. We will not be able to attend the funeral as we need to be back for the 2nd rally this upcoming Saturday. Isaiah's brother's wife heard that her brother-in-law passed away this week as well. Isaiah will have to travel far for this funeral. There was also a death in the McKanya family. Mercy is taking one of the church members to the clinic this morning as she is very sick. Her husband George who has been a friend and member of the church for many years just passed away in September. She is trying to take care of 5 children.

The new building that will house team members is coming along very nice. They are almost done with the plastering and have started on the ceilings. We really need funds to complete it. This house will enable teams to come to eSikhawini and serve the community in a really tangible way.


[Note from the editor: Please lift up our hurting friends of the KwaZulu Natal in prayer. Consider contributing to the Team House so that it can be completed before the next team arrives.]

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Medical Director Speaks at Kensington Community Church

ACM's Medical Director and Founding Board Member, Sharon Tice will join Rick Wood to Speak at Kensington Community Church's Global Outreach Conference on Hope for the Hurting: A Vision for medical outreach.

This breakout session is for anyone interested in showing the love of Christ through medicine. From healthcare professionals to everyday folks, you can make an impact for the Kingdom of God through medicine.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Last Year . . . This Year

I don't do it very often, but I find it a good practice to look back with a "forest" perspective and realize how God has shaped certain events and people for very specific times and places.

Last year my heart began to ache when I really realized that I wouldn't be able to physically make the trip to eSikhawini. It was not a possibility for me to take two weeks off of the normal school year. Looking back now I see that God had me right where He needed me.

Staying home meant . . .
1. Other talented folks could step up to new positions of leadership
2. God helped me practice being satisfied even in sorrow
3. God moved me to pray more often for others
4. God gave me time to help my friend Jenny prepare for her mission on the Africa Mercy Ship
5. I realized more and more the needs of my South African friends extend FAR beyond the time that I am there.

This year I am praying that God will return me to Africa this Easter - and that the 5 things staying home meant will be engraved on my heart. I hope to go with a new perpective.

Would you please join me in prayer - that my principal and superintendant give me the blessing to take 5 days off of school? Would you be so bold to pray that they allow me to take those 5 days off with pay - that is as "sick days" instead of "unpaid leave"?

Thank you - I'll keep you posted.